L’anthropologue, directrice de recherche au CNRS (http://las.ehess.fr/index.
The anthropologist, director of research at the CNRS (http://las.ehess.fr/index.php?1716), traces the course of her audiovisual investment, on the occasion of her film Lajamanu, which intertwines archives that she has been collecting since 1979 in this community of the central Australian desert where some 800 Warlpiri live. Following their forcible settlement in 1953 in Lajamanu, elders and their descendants reacted to the archives. This film was made possible thanks to the recent lifting of the taboo of mourning on the visual or sound representation of the dead, which was very pregnant in Lajamanu. When Glowczewski went there last year to show the film, The Warlpiri enthusiastically accepted its broadcast.
Directrice de recherche de l’équipe Anthropologie de la perception, interrogeant les modes d’attachement à la terre, au Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale. http://www.cnrs.fr/fr/personne/barbara-glowczewski
Fiche technique
Un film de / a film by : Barbara Glowczewski (France)France, Australie | 2018 | 60 min | vostf
Barbara Glowczewski (France)
Autoproduction avec le soutien de Philippe Kergraisse pour le montage (EHESS).